Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Today was a hard day.

I have struggled with headaches on and off since the implant was activated a week ago. However, in the scheme of things, I've considered them to be small nuisances in this new world of sounds. This morning I awoke in the wee hours of dawn to an axe in my head accompanied by tidal waves of nausea. After sitting in a hot bath for a while and consuming 6 Advils, I was finally able to attach my implant around mid-afternoon. I totally missed this morning's online rehab. The frustrating part about this is the magnet attaching the external components to the internal components is too strong. I think it is this strength that is contributing to the headaches. When I try to loosen the magnet, it will not stay attached to my skull. I am scheduled to go back to my audiologist tomorrow to see what can be done.

Am also frustrated that I am doing well on the phone with my family but still struggling with human speech in the outside world. Am anxious to have more clarity when it comes to speech discrimination. Anxious to distinguish more clearly the different voices.

Daily encouragement:
Monday- I spent several hours with an old friend that I had not seen in a year. During my hearing aid era, I would be completely exhausted after being with this friend because her lips are so difficult to read and my hearing aid could not give me clear speech. However, this time, I totally got the whole conversation!! The implant made the biggest difference on lip reading with her because I was understanding her speech.
Today- after such a frustrating morning, my business partner came and took me for sushi in downtown Nashville. Because it was ice cold out, I wore my ski hat. Historically, I could not wear a ski hat over my hearing aids without turning the volume way down or it would feedback/whistle. With the implant, I don't have to turn it down and it was so cool to be able to hear things with a hat over my ears!!

Worn slap out and did not go back to proof read this. Will do it another time but meanwhile, please overlook all the errors...

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