Saturday, January 23, 2010

Down with movie theaters!

Last night Hubs and I went out on a long-overdue night out. We headed out to our favorite Indian restaurant. Afterwards, I wanted to see how I would do at the movie theater so we went to see Invictus with Morgan Freeman and Matt Damon.

I loved the movie; hated the theater. The previews were so loud that I had to turn off the implant. Although the movie was not as loud, I was still reeling from the effects of the previews and missed most of the dialog. We paid 20 bucks for this?!? We traded our comfortable couch next to a warm fire, subtitles, wine and all-you-can eat popcorn for this?!?! Wow.

On another note, today has not been a great hearing day. By 1 pm I was worn slap out and had to take out the implant. However, I have received today's encouragement: This morning I scored 90% on a word-recognition list. Giddy up!

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