Friday, January 22, 2010

Candy and the cell phone

So, the audiologist advised me to wait until I was further along in my program before I attempted to chat on the phone- especially on the cell phone. Of course, telling me what to do is a lot like putting dark chocolate in front of me with instructions not to touch it. I am gonna eat the chocolate.

I decided to phone sister on my cell phone. And wow.

We talked for about 10 to 15 minutes and I got 95% of what she said! I was so excited that I accidently hung up on her. Then I called daddy. Got about 95% of what he said! I was so excited that I called sister back. I think at this point she is thinking about putting a block on my number or perhaps changing her phone number altogether.

So that was my encouragement for the day! Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings.

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