Ah- it has been a while since I've blogged. We've been busy campers over here but getting back on the updating-the-house program makes me realize I need to also get back on the blogging program.
Tomorrow, providing it does not snow anymore, the guy is to come install our front doors! As soon as they go up, I will post before and after pictures. I have officially decided against ripping the walls in the kitchen and have been drawing up different designs for our current kitchen dimensions. Since the stove is king of the kitchen, I am currently perusing several ranges as my starting point...
Now, I have long been obsessed with the Wolf. I've had good cooking experiences on it and friends who have one rave about it. So, it is at the top of my list. Since I have gotten used to only having one oven, I will probably go with the smaller 4 burner range but could not find a photo of it.
Although I am not into french designs and have never cared about the french ranges, I really like this one from La Cornue. I love the way the oven doors swing open to the side instead of downward. I also love that all the oven racks are designed to fit in a dishwasher. I also love that both ovens are different sizes...